
The areospace industry plays an important role in development for the future as life will be all across the universe in the future. I want to be involve in projects like creating reuseable rockets and rovers for discovering life. However, the most intriguing part of space is the unknown. I feel like moving unknown generates more motivation because of all the endless possibilities ahead. Ultimately, the final goal is one day I can travel to space to view it first hand.

The aeronautical industry will bring me one step closer to the areospace industry. However, it also impacts the world in many ways since planes are the space crafts of Earth in a sense. It is a from of transportation from ope place to another and provides view of Earths for different elevations. Working in the aeronautical industry will grant me a better understanding of planes which is helpful for my goal of becoming a pilot one day. Also I can try my best to make flights more affordable since traveling should be a priviledge everyone should have access to.

The automotive industry will bring me the experience to understand the basics like engines and control systems. This will help me understand the interaction between parts. At the same time, with an arenseal of knowledge on cars, I can build my own car which is one of my future goals. Features in cars like autopilot can be applied to other fields as well.

Being a Pilot want my dream as a kid in elementary school since I always wanted to travel the skies due to human naturally being unable to fly. Although my sights has gone further into space, I still want to be able to get a pilot license so I can fly planes or jets when required. It also important for the design perspective to actually configure parts for the user, at this case the pilot.

I wanted to become an astronaut, but this was after watching the movie the Martin. The movie brought the idea of possiblility of substainable life outside of Earth. However, the true drive for becoming an astronaut came from a chinese anime known as "Swallowwed Star". In the anime, I realize how special space can be, although it was a fictional. This inspired the idea that there can possibly be other civilization in space but also more beautiful places/species to view.

The robotic industry is a location where I can put my passion of programming and engineering together for the purpose of automation. The desired robotic areas I have major interest in are creating and programming rovers and AI control software. These peak my interest because they are paving the path for the future or fits my view of the future.

Building my own car has always been a dream of mine due to the car being one of one. However it also grants the freedom to incorporate any component or technology. This will have to be a slow process, I will have to work at a Mechanic shop to understand components and component's compatabilites.

The most important goal of mine is to create a school, where tuition is free but individual get actual work place experience compare to sitting in a lecture halls. I believe the best way to learn is to learn hands on; other than that students are being tested on memorization. In order for the tuition to be free, I will need a lot of funding from company since I want the professor to be full-time worker that grant students hands on experience. I haven't fully thought through how this will work since the school would have to generate a ton of talent to have companies contribute. Ultimately, the goal is to generate students that are ready for the work force for the company that fund the program. The hardest part would be starting the school since no one would go to a no-name school with no funding.

I have recently gotten into photography because nature is so beautiful. Not only is nature beautiful, man made structures also are held to the same regard. Therefore, I try to take images of my environment around me.