Jacky Chen

Phone Number: 917 615 5351

Email: jackychen0422s@gmail.com

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Expected Graduation: 5/2025

Hello, I am Jacky Chen.

What Am I Looking for

Currently looking for a Summer 2024 Internship or Co-op in the robotic, automotive, aeronautical, and aerospace industry. I am interested in positions where I can gain hands on experience when it comes to designing, assembling, and programming. I am also looking for a full time position for the Summer of 2025 within the same field. Feel free to contact me, with the "Contact Me" button, if there's a position open.

Working as a Team

An individual that enjoys working with a team of individual since it brings the best of my abilites and covers my weakness. I realize this point from playing team sports like basketball, where shooting was the weakiest part of my game but I made up my shooting with passing. Similarly, when working with a team, I utilize and help others to overcome obstacles. Although I prefer working as a team, there are cirumstances where I prefer to work individual, if the task is direct and clearly accomplishable within the given time range by a dingle individual.


I enjoy playing team sports and games with friends during my free time. This mainly includes basketball and volleyball, but I am down to play anything. I also play video games but I am really bad at them.